char_vector <- c("Africa", "identical", "ending" ,"aa" ,"bb", "rain" ,"Friday" ,"transport") # character vector
Suppose I have the above character vector I would like to create a for loop to print on the screen only the elements in a vector that have more than 5 characters and starts with a vowel and also delete from the vector those elements that do not start with a vowel
I created this for loop but it also gives null characters
for (i in char_vector){
if (str_length(i) > 5){
i <- str_subset(i, "^[AEIOUaeiou]")
[1] "Africa"
[1] "identical"
[1] "ending"
My desired result would only be the first 3 characters
I'm really new to R and facing huge difficulty with creating a for loop for this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
With stringr
functions, you'd rather use str_detect
instead of str_subset
, and you can take advantage of the fact that those functions are vectorized:
char_vector[str_length(char_vector) > 5 & str_detect(char_vector, "^[AEIOUaeiou]")]
#[1] "Africa" "identical" "ending"
or if you want your for loop as a single vector:
vec <- c()
for (i in char_vector){
if (str_length(i) > 5 & str_detect(i, "^[AEIOUaeiou]")){
vec <- c(vec, i)
# [1] "Africa" "identical" "ending"