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Do not wipe out (user entered) values of reactive variables when changing input values

I want to collect individual information (name and age) as user input with the attached demo code. The initial number of individuals is 1, and when the user increases/decreases the value of the number of individuals, it will reactively add/reduce corresponding rows to collect individual information. My question is how to avoid wiping out the current input information when increasing/decreasing the number of individuals. For example, screenshot 1 shows the information of individual 1 entered by the user (me). When I changed the values of the number of individuals to 2, the information I entered before was wiped out (screenshot 2), and I had to re-enter the information for individual 1. What I expect will be like screenshot 3 (information for individual 1 is not wiped out) when I increase the number of individuals to 2. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

Update on 05/15/2022

The update answer using isolate is what I am looking for. Thanks again for the help from @jpdugo17.

Example code

ui <- fluidPage(
      h4("Individual Information"),
                                     label = "Number of individuals",
                                     value = 1, min = 1, step = 0.5, width = "300px"))),
      fluidRow(column(2,align = "center",strong("Individual #")),
               column(5,align = "center",strong("Individual Name")),
               column(5,align = "center",strong("Age"))),

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create reactive variable paste0("individualNum", i) for further using
  output$indNum <- renderUI({
    num <- as.integer(input$ninds)
    lapply(1:num, function(i) {
      numericInput(paste0("individualNum", i), value = i, label = "", max = i, min = i)
  # create reactive variable paste0("name", i) for further using 
  output$Name <- renderUI({
    num <- as.integer(input$ninds)
    lapply(1:num, function(i) {
      textInput(paste0("name", i), label = "")
  # create reactie variable paste0("age", i) for further using 
  output$Age <- renderUI({
    num <- as.integer(input$ninds)
    lapply(1:num, function(i) {
      numericInput(paste0("age", i), label = "", value = 0)

# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui, server)

screenshot-1 screenshot-1 screenshot-2 screenshot-2 screenshot-3 screenshot-3


  • Edit:

    We can use isolate with the current value of the input and pass it as the value argument in the numericInput or textInput. This will work because any input that doesn't exist yet will yield a NULL.

    server <- function(input, output) {
      # create reactive variable paste0("individualNum", i) for further using
      num <- reactive({
      output$indNum <- renderUI({
        lapply(1:num(), function(i) {
          numericInput(paste0("individualNum", i), value = i, label = "", max = i, min = i)
      # create reactive variable paste0("name", i) for further using
      output$Name <- renderUI({
        lapply(1:num(), function(i) {
          textInput(paste0("name", i), label = "", value = isolate(input[[paste0("name", i)]]))
      # create reactie variable paste0("age", i) for further using
      output$Age <- renderUI({
        lapply(1:num(), function(i) {
          numericInput(paste0("age", i), label = "", value = isolate(input[[paste0("age", i)]]))

    Original answer using insertUI:

    We can implement a logic like this: Create a counter to store the current input number, make two buttons, one to add and the other to remove the inputs. We'll have to wrap each input with a div with a unique id (because input functions usually add multiple elements).

    ui <- fluidPage(
          h4("Individual Information"),
              4, fluidRow(
                column(6, numericInput("ninds",
                  label = "Number of individuals",
                  value = 1, min = 1, step = 0.5, width = "300px"
                )), column(3, actionButton("add_ui", "Add Individual", style = "background-color: green;")),
                column(3, actionButton("remove_ui", "Remove Individual", style = "background-color: red;"))
            column(2, align = "center", strong("Individual #")),
            column(5, align = "center", strong("Individual Name")),
            column(5, align = "center", strong("Age"))
            column(2, wellPanel(id = "IndNumber")),
            column(5, wellPanel(id = "Name")),
            column(5, wellPanel(id = "Age"))
    server <- function(input, output) {
      # track the number of inputs
      ui_counter <- reactiveVal(1)
      observeEvent(input$add_ui, {
        div_nms <- map_chr(c("individualNum", "name", "age"), ~ paste0("div", .x, ui_counter()))
        # individual number
          selector = "#IndNumber",
          ui = div(
            id = div_nms[[1]],
            numericInput(paste0("individualNum", ui_counter()),
              label = "",
              value = ui_counter(),
              min   = ui_counter(),
              max   = ui_counter()
        # name input
          selector = "#Name",
          ui = div(id = div_nms[[2]], textInput(paste0("name", ui_counter()),
            label = ""
        # age input
          selector = "#Age",
          ui = div(id = div_nms[[3]], numericInput(paste0("age", ui_counter()),
            label = "",
            value = 0
        ui_counter(ui_counter() + 1)
      # observer to remove the divs containing the inputs
      observeEvent(input$remove_ui, {
        if (ui_counter() > 1) {
          walk(c("individualNum", "name", "age"), ~ removeUI(paste0("#div", .x, ui_counter() - 1)))
          ui_counter(ui_counter() - 1)
    # Run the app ----
    shinyApp(ui, server)