If I have a condition where a resource pool reduces capacity from 2 to 1 at a certain time of the model OR when the unit interacts with a certain number of different agents, will the unit that is being removed from the model stop what it's doing and leave? Or will it finish all of it's queued tasks? I would like it to finish all of it's queued tasks.
My code for the condition is as follows where Surgeons is the resourcePool and seizedAgents is a collection inside the Surgeon agent type:
if( unit.seizedAgents.stream().distinct().count() >= 17 ) {
If the capacity is dynamically reduced by calling set_capacity(), and the number of currently seized units exceeds the new capacity, the extra units will only be disposed of after they are released. The rest immediately
Thus units busy with a task will be disposed of only after completing the current task
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