I have the following situation, could you help me?
I would like to leave some dynamic data (variables) inside my .sql file and execute my test correctly in .robot file.
However, when I go to do my test, it returns an error, that is, the variable is not mounted correctly. I think I'm leaving something "behind".
Could anyone help me?
.sql file below (I want my variable name):
.robot file below:
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Test Variable
${file} Get File ${EXECDIR}/spb/scripts/SQL/fileTest.sql
${NAMES} Replace Variables ${file}
Execute Sql Script ${NAMES}
Error below:
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument:
I'm sure I'm wrong in my .robot file. But I don't know where.
Could anyone help?
Thank you very much in advance!
OSError indicates that the issue is running some command on Operating system level.
Execute sql script
keyword - if it it’s from databaselibrary (your code snippet doesn’t show settings section) takes a name of a file as parameter.
Replace variables
parameter takes a string and returns a string.
Then you pass a string as a parameter to keyword that takes a filename. Which leads to a OSError since string is not same as file.
Once you have used the replace variables, you should write that string to a file or check if database library has a keyword to run a script from a string, not from file.