I am trying to use the rgl
package in R to plot unit vectors orthogonal to each cell in a quadmesh. I've used this page for a bit of guidance, and currently have plotted a quadmesh surface and some placeholder vectors using arrow3d
, but I'd like to get these vectors to be orthogonal to the cell they're contained within and to all be the same length (e.g. length of 1). Does anyone know how to get the proper endpoint to put into arrow3d
to satisfy this condition, or have a different approach?
m <- matrix(c(seq(0, 0.5, length = 5),
seq(0.375, 0, length = 4)), 3)
x <- seq(1, nrow(m)) - 0.5
y <- seq(1, ncol(m)) - 0.5
r <- raster(list(x = x, y = y, z = m))
qm <- quadmesh(r)
op <- par(xpd = NA)
text(t(qm$vb), lab = 1:ncol(qm$vb)) #Plot index numbers for vertices
vrts<- list(c(9,10,14,13),
c(3,4,8,7)) #Index for vertices of each raster cell starting from bottom left and moving to the right
shade3d(qm, col = "firebrick")
title3d(xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z")
for (i in 1:9) {
row_number<- floor((i-1)/3)+1
col_number<- ((i-1)%%3)+1
p<- apply(qm$vb[1:3, vrts[[i]]], mean, MARGIN = 1) #get current xyz position of raster cell
rgl.spheres(x = p[1], y = p[2], z = p[3], r=0.1) #Plot points
p0<- c(x[col_number], y[row_number],p[3]) #arrow start point
p1<- c(x[col_number],y[row_number],p[3]+1) #arrow end point
arrow3d(p0, p1) #Plot arrow
This is tricky. The fundamental insights are that:
To implement this, we first define a couple of helper functions:
midpoints <- function(x) diff(x)/2 + x[-length(x)]
centers_from_vertices <- function(v) {
apply(apply(v, 1, midpoints), 1, midpoints)
Now we can create lists of x, y, z points for the vertices and the center points like this:
vertices <- lapply(asplit(qm$vb, 1), `dim<-`, value = dim(m) + 1)
centres <- lapply(vertices, centers_from_vertices)
Rather than having to count all the vertices and create a list belonging to each square, we can automate the process and have the indices of the vertices for each square in a list.
index <- matrix(seq(prod(dim(m) + 1)), nrow = nrow(m) + 1, byrow = TRUE)
indices <- unlist(lapply(seq(dim(m)[1]), function(i) {
lapply(seq(dim(m)[2]), function(j) {
index[0:1 + i, 0:1 + j]
}), recursive = FALSE)
Now we can get the end-points of each arrow using the insights above:
ends <- lapply(asplit(sapply(indices, function(i) {
co <- coef(lm(z~x+y, as.data.frame(lapply(vertices, c))[c(i),]))
co <- -c(co[2], co[3], z = -1)
}), 1), c)
ends <- Map(`+`, centres[1:3], ends)
Finally, we can draw the result:
shade3d(qm, col = "firebrick")
title3d(xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z")
rgl.spheres(x = centres$x, y = centres$y, z = centres$z, r = 0.1)
for(i in 1:9) {
arrow3d(c(centres$x[i], centres$y[i], centres$z[i]),
c(ends$x[i], ends$y[i], ends$z[i]))