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How to represent the relationship for this demo code snippet?

How to represent the relationship between class ResMulti and class Do_work when drawing a class diagram for this demo code snippet (see on godbolt):

#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <functional>

class Res4ClassA{};
class Res4ClassB{};

Res4ClassA Calculate_A(){return Res4ClassA{};}
Res4ClassB Calculate_B(){return Res4ClassB{};}

class ResMulti
    void SetRes4ClassA (const Res4ClassA& res_a)
        res_a_ = res_a;

    void SetRes4ClassB (const Res4ClassB& res_b)
        res_b_ = res_b;

    const Res4ClassA& GetRes4ClassA ()
        return res_a_;

    const Res4ClassB& GetRes4ClassB ()
        return res_b_;
    Res4ClassA res_a_;
    Res4ClassB res_b_;

class Do_work
    void Run(const Res4ClassA* res){}

int main()
    Res4ClassA res_a = Calculate_A();

    ResMulti res_multi;

    Do_work work;

Question: How to represent the relationship between class ResMulti and class Do_work when drawing a class diagram for this demo code snippet?


  • There is no direct relationship between ResMulti and Do_work:

    • Do_work may be dependent on Res4ClassA because it may need to know about that type (not formally in C++, because the pointer is used without ever being dereferenced, but if possibly in the design, if we’d expect the operation to to anything maningful with the referred object);
    • ResMulti could have a composite aggregation with a Res4ClassA component since it has a C++ member of that type and in view of the language semantics.
    • main() happens to make the glue. But it is not a structural relationship: it’s a dynamic one that emerges from the behaviors of main() implementation.