I have 3 entities:
User |
id: Int |
name: String |
Room |
id: Int |
name: String |
RoomUser |
id: Int |
room_id: Int (Reference on Room.id) |
user_id: Int (Reference on User.id) |
Now lets say we have 2 rooms and 3 users:
id | name |
1 | Room1 |
2 | Room2 |
id | name |
3 | User3 |
7 | User7 |
9 | User9 |
id | room_id | user_id |
1 | 1 | 3 |
2 | 1 | 7 |
3 | 2 | 7 |
4 | 2 | 9 |
As you can see, User3 and User7 are in the room Room1 and User7 and User9 are in the room Room2.
In my use case I have given for example 2 users. Now I want to get the room, in which these both Users are.
In this case, when I have given the users User3 and User7 I want to get the room Room1 or when I have given the users User7 and User9 I want to get the room Room2.
How can I write an query with the Kotlin Exposed Framework to get this specific room?
In SQL notation it should be like:
SELECT room_id
FROM RoomUsers
where user_id in (3,7)
GROUP BY room_id
HAVING count(*) = 2
In Exposed:
RoomUsers.userId inList listOf(User3.id, User7.id)
.having {
RoomUsers.userId.count() eq 2
}.map {