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Angular <p> displayed by *ngFor won't float to the right

I have this chat in which I'm trying to apply styles to the "chat-container".

The messages are displayed with Angular's *ngFor as follows:

<p *ngFor="let m of messageArray" [ngClass]="this.currentUser.user._id==m.src?'self pr-3':'otherUser pl-3'">

The classes applied only have float:left or float:right depending on the user that sent each message. However, they're always being displayed in the left.

Any suggestions on how to make the messages float to their corresponding side?


  • use flexbox

    <p *ngFor="let m of messageArray" [ngClass]="this.currentUser.user._id==m.src?'self pr-3':'otherUser pl-3'" class='message'>

    on CSS:

    .message {
     display: flex;
     flex-flow: row nowrap;
     width: 100%;
    .self {
     align-items: flex-end;
    .otherUser {
     align-items: flex-start;

    use width on parent div to cover the available space.(you can set the width with px or % is up to you)