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Why does appending a common suffix reverse the collation order in the en_US locale?

The following code


use strict;
use warnings;

my $s1 = '[email protected]';
my $s2 = '[email protected]';
my $s3 = 'aaa2000';
my $s4 = 'aaa_2000';

no locale;

print "\nNO Locale:\n\n";

if ($s1 gt $s2) {print "$s1 is > $s2\n";}
if ($s1 lt $s2) {print "$s1 is < $s2\n";}
if ($s1 eq $s2) {print "$s1 is = $s2\n";}

if ($s3 gt $s4) {print "$s3 is > $s4\n";}
if ($s3 lt $s4) {print "$s3 is < $s4\n";}
if ($s3 eq $s4) {print "$s3 is = $s4\n";}

use locale;

print "\nWith 'use locale;':\n\n";

if ($s1 gt $s2) {print "$s1 is > $s2\n";}
if ($s1 lt $s2) {print "$s1 is < $s2\n";}
if ($s1 eq $s2) {print "$s1 is = $s2\n";}

if ($s3 gt $s4) {print "$s3 is > $s4\n";}
if ($s3 lt $s4) {print "$s3 is < $s4\n";}
if ($s3 eq $s4) {print "$s3 is = $s4\n";}

prints out

NO Locale:

[email protected] is < [email protected]
aaa2000 is < aaa_2000

With 'use locale;':

[email protected] is > [email protected]
aaa2000 is < aaa_2000

which I cannot really follow: in the same time, under use locale, there is a < b AND [email protected] > [email protected] ?!!

Am I missing something more or less obvious, or is this a bug? Can others confirm to see the same behavior ?

Locale is $ locale

Thanks in advance.


  • With locales enabled, collation is done in multiple passes. Every character has four weights, which are compared in successive passes. The @ and _ signs, like most punctuation, have no primary, secondary, or tertiary weight, so they only come into play in the fourth pass. So, for your example

    [email protected] > [email protected]

    in the first pass, it's really comparing

    aaa2000yahoocom = aaa2000yahoocom

    and then in the fourth pass (there are no differentiating factors in the second and third passes)

    @. > _@.

    because @ happens to be greater than _ in this locale. (This is just a choice that the locale definition makes, presumably based on some ISO standard or other.)

    You can peek into the implementation details of this. A locale-enabled comparison ends up being implemented in the C library as strxfrm(A) cmp strxfrm(B). Run this program:

    use POSIX;
    my $s1 = '[email protected]';
    my $s2 = '[email protected]';
    foreach ($s1, $s2) {
        printf "%s =>\t%v02x\n", $_, POSIX::strxfrm($_);

    I get:

    [email protected] =>    0c.0c.0c.
    # explanation:           a  a  a  2  0  0  0  y  a  h  o  o  c  o  m DIV secondary weights ...                       DIV tertiary weights ...                        DIV  @     .
    [email protected] =>   0c.0c.0c.
    # explanation:           a  a  a  2  0  0  0  y  a  h  o  o  c  o  m DIV secondary weights ...                       DIV tertiary weights ...                        DIV  _     @     .

    The way these numbers are derived is an implementation detail; they just have to come out such that a byte comparison yields the desired end result. But the concept is the same across all modern programming environments with locale-enabled sorting.