I'm trying to create a Kinesis Firehose using terraform with dynamic partitioning using two partition queries from the JSON I'm recieving, my processing configuration looks like this
processing_configuration {
enabled = true
processors {
type = "RecordDeAggregation"
parameters {
parameter_name = "SubRecordType"
parameter_value = "JSON"
processors {
type = "MetadataExtraction"
parameters {
parameter_name = "JsonParsingEngine"
parameter_value = "JQ-1.6"
parameters {
parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery"
parameter_value = "{transaction_id:.transaction_id}"
parameters {
parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery"
parameter_value = "{stage:.stage}"
But when I execute this part of the code it returns a duplication error for the processing configuration.
I also tried to create an appart processor for the new ExtractionQuery, it looks like this
processing_configuration {
enabled = true
processors {
type = "RecordDeAggregation"
parameters {
parameter_name = "SubRecordType"
parameter_value = "JSON"
processors {
type = "MetadataExtraction"
parameters {
parameter_name = "JsonParsingEngine"
parameter_value = "JQ-1.6"
parameters {
parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery"
parameter_value = "{transaction_id:.transaction_id}"
processors {
type = "MetadataExtraction"
parameters {
parameter_name = "JsonParsingEngine"
parameter_value = "JQ-1.6"
parameters {
parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery"
parameter_value = "{stage:.stage}"
But it fails with an error that says only one MetadataExtraction processor is allowed.
Solved by merging both queries in one using JQ format, that way firehose would separate them, tried it using this snippet and worked.
processing_configuration {
enabled = true
processors {
type = "RecordDeAggregation"
parameters {
parameter_name = "SubRecordType"
parameter_value = "JSON"
processors {
type = "MetadataExtraction"
parameters {
parameter_name = "JsonParsingEngine"
parameter_value = "JQ-1.6"
parameters {
parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery"
parameter_value = "{transaction_id:.transaction_id,stage:.stage}"