EDIT: Changed example code to code from my project that doesn't work.
I'm writing code in C++, learning templates and got stuck with some problem. There's a class:
template<class T, class Cmp>
class AVLtree {
AVLtree(const Cmp& _cmp) : root(nullptr), cmp(_cmp) {}
AVLtree(const AVLtree& ref);
AVLtree& operator = (const AVLtree& ref);
void Add(const T& key);
void TraverseDfs(void (*visit)(const T& key));
struct Node {
Node* left;
Node* right;
T key;
int balance;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int inheritence;
Node(const T& _key) : left(nullptr), right(nullptr), key(_key), balance(0), height(1), inheritence(1) {}
Node* root;
Cmp cmp;
void deleteTree(Node* root);
void traverse(Node* node, void(*visit) (const T& key));
Node* addNode(Node* node, const T& key);
Node* removeNode(Node* p, T key);
int bfactor(Node* node);
unsigned int height(Node* node);
void fixheight(Node* node);
Node* rotateRight(Node* p);
Node* rotateLeft(Node* q);
Node* balance(Node* p);
Node* findmin(Node* p);
Node* removemin(Node* p);
I want to define method addNode(Node* node, const T& key)
out of class and here's what I write:
template<class T, class Cmp>
AVLtree<T, Cmp>::Node* AVLtree<T, Cmp>::addNode(Node* node, const T& key) {
return new Node(key);
if (!node) {
return new Node(key);
if (cmp(key, node->key)) {
node->left = addNode(node->left, key);
else {
node->right = addNode(node->right, key);
Then I try to run program and get such errors and warnings:
warning C4346: 'Node': dependent name is not a type
message : prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type
error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'Node'
error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{'
error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?)
It seems that I'm doing something wrong because, if I define method addNode(Node* node, const T& key)
inside class, it works fine:
template<class T, class Cmp>
class AVLtree {
Node* addNode(Node* node, const T& key) {
return new Node(key);
if (!node) {
return new Node(key);
if (cmp(key, node->key)) {
node->left = addNode(node->left, key);
else {
node->right = addNode(node->right, key);
Any guesses what might be wrong?
Thanks for answers. Got a solution:
Just added typename
before method definition outside of class. It looks like this:
template<class T, class Cmp>
typename AVLtree<T, Cmp>::Node* AVLtree<T, Cmp>::addNode(Node* node, const T& key) {
It seems that this is some spicialization of Visual Studio because I can see that other compilers work fine with such code without any errors.