I am trying to use apoc.create.uuid() in nodejs for the first time. In the neo4j browser I can see that the result is a string like this:
...but in node it appears as:
this is the cypher query:
MATCH (r:Race {race_id: $race_id})
MATCH (m:Member)-[v:HAS_VOTED]->(b)-[vr:FOR_RACE]->(r)
RETURN {votes:v.voter_choice}
console.log(JSON.stringify(result.records[0])) produces:
This is also not consistent across all return values...not all has this extra 2 leading characters. I am really not sure what causes this but I need these values to be consistent for comparison purposes. Can anyone explain what is going on here?
EDIT: DB data: m.member_id v.voter_choice b.box_id "a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba96-4c75ca4860ca" " a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba96-4c75ca4860ca" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "bbdbdff7-a178-479c-9dc7-894642365ca9" " a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba96-4c75ca4860ca" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "57f81764-9a1e-4c02-bdd7-875e5e741471" " a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba96-4c75ca4860ca" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "6417c1f8-646d-49e1-9ec3-e105f33637ae" " a1d0d202-b585-4130-ba96-4c75ca4860ca" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "7417f023-b1a9-4535-93a3-7a001305ccb7" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "a0ea2113-63d8-4cde-a4e8-1ab20e3637f9" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "ac913fcc-8070-4738-8946-c32ab7531446" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720" "66514ccf-8808-4649-88b3-42f9db26616f" "bd607ccd-85be-4b78-9d6e-89cbbb087d01" "009d5129-a62c-49d7-aa4c-5ec9a8b01720"
I think I may have found the answer......in posting the edit above I noticed that the errant string has a leading space. I think this is the cause of the leading '\ta.....' let me know if you agree.
the problem exists in neo4j browser...if you cut the uuid value from the side window and paste it in the query window a leading space is added to the uuid string...not sure why....so just delete the leading space(s) before running the query.