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Quarkus No serializer found class no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer

I'm learning Quarkus Reactive with Mongo Panache and when i try to add a Metadata and Pagination object i get the error: "ERROR [] (executor-thread-0) com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain: com.Entites.BrandResponse["data"])". Controller:

public class brand {
  private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(brand.class);

  @Inject BrandRepository br;

  public Response list(
      @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("page") Integer page,
      @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("page_size") Integer page_size) throws JsonProcessingException {
    if (page != null && page >= 1) {
    } else {
      page = 0;
    Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>> brands = br.listBrands(page,page_size);
    return Response.ok((new BrandResponse(new Metadata("ok",200,"ok"),brands,new Pagination(3,page,page_size)))).build();


public class BrandRepository implements ReactivePanacheMongoRepositoryBase<Brands, Integer> {

  public Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>> listBrands(Integer page, Integer page_size) {
    return Brands.findAll("name").ascending()).page(Page.of(page, page_size)).list();


@MongoEntity(collection = "brand")
public class Brands extends ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase {

    public ObjectId id;
    public String name;


public class BrandResponse {

    public Metadata metadata;
    public Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>> data;
    public Pagination pagination;

  public BrandResponse(Metadata metadata, Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>> data, Pagination pagination) {
    this.metadata = metadata; = data;
    this.pagination = pagination;


public class Metadata {

    public String status;
    public Integer httpCode;
    public Date dateTime;
    public String message;

    public Metadata(String status, Integer httpCode, String message) {
        this.status = status;
        this.httpCode = httpCode;
        this.dateTime = new Date();
        this.message = message;


public class Pagination{

    public Integer totalCount;
    public Integer page;
    public Integer pageSize;

    public Pagination(Integer totalCount, Integer page, Integer pageSize) {
        this.totalCount = totalCount; = page;
        this.pageSize = pageSize;

Thank You For Your Help


  • When returning some asynchronous data, you can't have any of the fields being an asynchronous type (Uni in this case). So essentially you need to convert Uni<X> to Uni<Y> and return that.

    In your case you would need to make field data of BrandResponse be List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase> instead of Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>>.

    Once that is done you can create a BrandResponse using something like:

    Uni<List<ReactivePanacheMongoEntityBase>> brands = br.listBrands(page,page_size);
    Uni<BrandResponse> brandResponse = brands.onItem().transform(b -> new BrandResponse(new Metadata("ok",200,"ok"),b,new Pagination(3,page,page_size)))

    Now that you have a Uni you should convert your list JAX-RS Resource Method to either return the Uni<BrandResponse> directly, or replace the return type of to org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.RestResponse.