Let's say I have the following string that I want to tokenize as per the delimiter '>':
std::string veg = "orange>kiwi>apple>potato";
I want every item in the string to be placed in a structure that has the following format:
struct pack_item
std::string it1;
std::string it2;
std::string it3;
std::string it4;
I know how to do it this way:
pack_item pitem;
std::stringstream veg_ss(veg);
std::string veg_item;
std::getline(veg_ss, veg_item, '>')
pitem.it1 = veg_item;
std::getline(veg_ss, veg_item, '>')
pitem.it2 = veg_item;
std::getline(veg_ss, veg_item, '>')
pitem.it3 = veg_item;
std::getline(veg_ss, veg_item, '>')
pitem.it4 = veg_item;
Is there a better and one-liner kind of way to do it?
You don't need an intermediate variable.
pack_item pitem;
std::stringstream veg_ss(veg);
std::getline(veg_ss, pitem.it1, '>');
std::getline(veg_ss, pitem.it2, '>');
std::getline(veg_ss, pitem.it3, '>');
std::getline(veg_ss, pitem.it4, '>');
You might want to make that a function, e.g. operator >>
(with a similar operator <<
std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, pack_item & pitem) {
std::getline(is, pitem.it1, '>');
std::getline(is, pitem.it2, '>');
std::getline(is, pitem.it3, '>');
std::getline(is, pitem.it4, '>');
return is;
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, pack_item & pitem) {
return os << pitem.it1 << '>'
<< pitem.it2 << '>'
<< pitem.it3 << '>'
<< pitem.it4 << '>';
int main() {
std::stringstream veg_ss("orange>kiwi>apple>potato>");
pack_item pitem;
veg_ss >> pitem;
Is there a better and one-liner kind of way to do it?
You can make a type who's >>
reads in a string up to a delimiter, and read all four elements in one statement. Is that really "better"?
template <bool is_const>
struct delimited_string;
struct delimited_string<true> {
const std::string & string;
char delim;
struct delimited_string<false> {
std::string & string;
char delim;
delimited_string(const std::string &, char) -> delimited_string<true>;
delimited_string(std::string &, char) -> delimited_string<false>;
std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, delimited_string<false> s) {
return std::getline(is, s.string, s.delim);
template <bool is_const>
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, delimited_string<is_const> s) {
return os << s.string << s.delim;
std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, pack_item & pitem) {
return is >> delimited_string { pitem.it1, '>' }
>> delimited_string { pitem.it2, '>' }
>> delimited_string { pitem.it3, '>' }
>> delimited_string { pitem.it4, '>' };
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const pack_item & pitem) {
return os << delimited_string { pitem.it1, '>' }
<< delimited_string { pitem.it2, '>' }
<< delimited_string { pitem.it3, '>' }
<< delimited_string { pitem.it4, '>' };