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How to tell the composeTestRule to wait for the navhost transition?

I'm trying to write an integration test for an Android application entirely written in Compose that has a single Activity and uses the Compose Navigation to change the screen content.

I managed to properly interact and test the first screen that is shown by the navigation graph but, as soon as I navigate to a new destination, the test fails because it does not wait for the NavHost to load the new content.

class MainActivityTest {
    val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()

    fun appStartsWithoutCrashing() {
        composeTestRule.apply {
            // Check Switch

            // Click accept button

            // Check we are inside the second screen

I'm sure that is a timing issue because if I add a Thread.sleep(500) before the onNodeWithTag(SecondScreen.USERNAME_TEXT_FIELD).assertIsDisplayed(), the test is successful. But I would like to avoid Thread.sleep()s in my code.

Is there a better way to tell the composeTestRule to wait for the NavHost to load the new content before executing the assertIsDisplayed()?

PS I know that would be better to test the Composables in isolation, but I really want to simulate the user input on the App using Espresso and not only test the Composable behavior.


  • As suggested in this very informative blog article, waitUntil can be used to wait until the node with the right tag is shown:

                // Waiting for the new destination to be shown
                waitUntil {
                        .fetchSemanticsNodes().size == 1

    Or, after adding some sugar:

    class MainActivityTest {
        val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()
        fun appStartsWithoutCrashing() {
            composeTestRule.apply {
                // Check Switch
                // Click accept button
                // Waiting for the new destination to be shown
                // Check we are inside the second screen
    private const val WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT = 1_000L
    fun ComposeContentTestRule.waitUntilNodeCount(
        matcher: SemanticsMatcher,
        count: Int,
        timeoutMillis: Long = WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT
    ) {
        waitUntil(timeoutMillis) {
            onAllNodes(matcher).fetchSemanticsNodes().size == count
    fun ComposeContentTestRule.waitUntilExists(
        matcher: SemanticsMatcher,
        timeoutMillis: Long = WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT
    ) = waitUntilNodeCount(matcher, 1, timeoutMillis)
    fun ComposeContentTestRule.waitUntilDoesNotExist(
        matcher: SemanticsMatcher,
        timeoutMillis: Long = WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT
    ) = waitUntilNodeCount(matcher, 0, timeoutMillis)