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React Hook - useEffect same code but severals behaviors

I'm new to React Hook and I follow severals tutorials but I'm afraid I'm not understand everything.

I have two components with pretty much the same code but two differents behaviors and I don't understand why.

First component code :

function SO5Fixture(props) {

    const [gameweek, setGameWeek] = useState(0)

    const previousGWClick = () => {
        console.log("previousGW from " + gameweek)
        setGameWeek(gameweek - 1)        

    const nextGWClick = () => {
        console.log("nextGW from " + gameweek)
        setGameWeek(gameweek + 1)

    useEffect(() => {
        console.log("so5fixture useEffect")
      }, [gameweek])

    const getGameWeekInfos = async() => {
        var so5Fixture = await APISorare.getSo5Fixture(gameweek)

    return (
export default SO5Fixture;

Second component :

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Container, Row, Col, Button, ButtonGroup, Card, Alert } from "react-bootstrap";
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'
import APISorare from "../../utils/APISorare";

function SO5Games(props) {

    const [games, setGames] = useState([])

    useEffect(() => {
        console.log("so5Games useEffect")
      }, [games]) 

    const getGames = async() => {
        console.log("getGames : " + props.gameWeek)
        var so5Games = await APISorare.getSo5Games(props.gameWeek)

    return (
       (game, idx) => (
                    <Alert key={idx} variant="secondary">
                            <Col md={4}>{game['game_date']}</Col>
                            <Col md={8}>{game['home_team_name']} {game['home_team_score']}-{game['away_team_score']} {game['away_team_name']}</Col>

export default SO5Games;

In my console log, I find this :

so5fixture useEffect
SO5Fixture.js:28 getGameWeekInfos
APISorare.js:24 APISorare : getSo5Fixture
SO5Games.js:12 so5Games useEffect
SO5Games.js:17 getGames : 262
APISorare.js:33 APISorare : getSo5Games
SO5Fixture.js:23 so5fixture useEffect
SO5Fixture.js:28 getGameWeekInfos
APISorare.js:24 APISorare : getSo5Fixture
SO5Games.js:12 so5Games useEffect
SO5Games.js:17 getGames : 262
APISorare.js:33 APISorare : getSo5Games
SO5Games.js:12 so5Games useEffect
SO5Games.js:17 getGames : 262
APISorare.js:33 APISorare : getSo5Games
SO5Games.js:12 so5Games useEffect
SO5Games.js:17 getGames : 262

I don't understand why my component "so5Games" re-render over and over whereas the so5Fixture component update just 2 twice (which is what I attempt because first call API with 0 and then with a real parameter) ?

Could you please help me to understand ?

Thanks a lot !


  • SO5Games re-renders indefinitely because the state variable is an array, remember that [0, 1] === [0, 1] will return false (because there are two distincts objects), whereas 0 === 0 will return true

    Basically I would rewrite your components like this :

    function SO5Fixture(props) {
        const [gameweek, setGameWeek] = useState(0)
        const previousGWClick = () => fetchGameWeekInfos(gameweek - 1)        
        const nextGWClick = () => fetchGameWeekInfos(gameweek + 1)
        // fetch game week infos on initial render
        useEffect(() => fetchGameWeekInfos(gameweek), [])
        const fetchGameWeekInfos = async (week) => {
            var so5Fixture = await APISorare.getSo5Fixture(week)
        return (
    export default SO5Fixture;
    function SO5Games(props) {
        const [games, setGames] = useState([])
        // load the games each time props.gameWeek is updated
        useEffect(() => {
            console.log("so5Games useEffect")
        }, [props.gameWeek]) 
        const fetchGames = async () => {
            console.log("getGames : " + props.gameWeek)
            var so5Games = await APISorare.getSo5Games(props.gameWeek)
        return (...);
    export default SO5Games;