Is there anyway to know the size of the ModelEntity as SIMD3? Once, I get the size, I want to pass it to the CollisionComponent.
let box = ModelEntity(mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.2),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .green, isMetallic: true)])
box.position.y = 0.3
box.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true)
box.physicsBody = PhysicsBodyComponent(massProperties: .default,
material: .default,
mode: .dynamic)
// I know I can use the following
box.collision = CollisionComponent(shapes: [.generateBox(size: [0.2,0.2,0.2])],
mode: .trigger,
filter: .sensor)
// but why not just pass the size of the box I created earlier.
box.collision = CollisionComponent(shapes: [PASS BOX SIZE HERE],
mode: .trigger,
filter: .sensor)
To calculate the size of a primitive, use the max
and min
values of its bounding box
let box = ModelEntity(mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(width: 0.11,
height: 0.23,
depth: 0.45))
let width = (box.model?.mesh.bounds.max.x)! - (box.model?.mesh.bounds.min.x)!
let height = (box.model?.mesh.bounds.max.y)! - (box.model?.mesh.bounds.min.y)!
let depth = (box.model?.mesh.bounds.max.z)! - (box.model?.mesh.bounds.min.z)!
let boxSize: SIMD3<Float> = [width, height, depth]
// Result:
// SIMD3<Float>(0.11, 0.23, 0.45)
To calculate the size of bounding box of any part of .usdz
model use the following approach:
let car = try! ModelEntity.load(named: "car.usdz")
let carBody = car.children[0]..........children[0] as! ModelEntity