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How to mark a flag as required only if another flag is set in absl-py?

I have two flags f1 and f2, f1 is a boolean flag. I want to mark f2 as required whenever f1 is set to True. Is this possible with absl-py?


  • You can use a validator for that:

    from absl import app
    from absl import flags
    FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
    flags.DEFINE_bool("f1", False, "some flag")
    flags.DEFINE_string("f2", None, "some other flag")
        # the flag to validate
        # a function that takes that flag's value and returns whether it's valid
        lambda value: not value or FLAGS.f2 is not None,
        # a message to print if it isn't
        message="if f1 is set, f2 needs to be set"
    def main(argv):
    if __name__ == '__main__':