I've added a Box
obstacle to my MultibodyPlant
using a slight variation of the AddShape()
function given here. I've welded the obstacle to the plant using WeldFrames()
; the obstacle also shows up in the correct place in the world when I visualize it.
However, DirectCollocation
doesn't respect the obstacle when I add a MinimumDistanceConstraint
, and produces a trajectory which collides with the obstacle.
Here's how I create my plant
, scene_graph
, and diagram
builder = DiagramBuilder()
plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, time_step=0.0)
urdf_path = FindResource('models/undamped_cartpole.urdf')
# add obstacles
# this function internally calls RegisterCollisionGeometry and
# RegisterVisualGeometry on the plant
plant = add_obstacles_plant(plant, obstacles)
diagram = builder.Build()
Here's the relevant code snippet for DirectCollocation.
input_port_index = builder.ExportInput(plant.get_actuation_input_port(), "input")
dircol = DirectCollocation(
diagram, diagram.CreateDefaultContext(),
# collision avoidance constraints
collision_constraint = MinimumDistanceConstraint(plant, 0.1,
diagram.GetMutableSubsystemContext(plant, diagram_context))
dircol.AddConstraintToAllKnotPoints(constraint=collision_constraint, vars=dircol.state()[:2])
Am I passing in the wrong context to MinimumDistanceConstraint
/ misunderstood what MinimumDistanceConstraint
So turns out the cartpole URDF model I was using didn't have collision geometries defined for its components. It seems AutoDiff works best with Sphere collisions, so I made a rough approximation of my model with Spheres (eg: constructed the Box
cart as two Spheres placed side by side, the Cylinder
pole as many tiny Spheres placed in a line), and wrote those collision geometries out to my URDF.
If interested, I generated the line of tiny Spheres using a small string generation script.
sphere_str = '<collision> <origin xyz="0 0 {s_o:.2f}"/> <geometry> <sphere radius="0.01"/> </geometry> </collision>'
for i in range(50):
print(col_str.format(s_o=-0.01 + i*-0.02))
This prints out:
<collision> <origin xyz="0 0 -0.01"/> <geometry> <sphere radius="0.01"/> </geometry> </collision>
<collision> <origin xyz="0 0 -0.03"/> <geometry> <sphere radius="0.01"/> </geometry> </collision>
<collision> <origin xyz="0 0 -0.05"/> <geometry> <sphere radius="0.01"/> </geometry> </collision>
<collision> <origin xyz="0 0 -0.99"/> <geometry> <sphere radius="0.01"/> </geometry> </collision>
Which I then pasted into my URDF.
Adding the Sphere collision geometries into my URDF solved my problem and DirectCollocation started respecting the MinimumDistanceConstraint.