Making an Observable <Hero[]> out of a collection works perfectly and gives me access to all its documents, but I am unable to assign individual documents. The recurring error message is the following:
Type 'Hero | undefined' is not assignable to type 'Hero'.
The working code for collections:
export class DataManagerService {
heroesCollection : AngularFirestoreCollection<Hero>;
constructor(private firestore:Firestore){
this.heroesCollection = this.firestore.collection<Hero>('HEROES');
this.heroesData = this.heroesCollection.valueChanges();
return this.heroesData;
Then I use this return in other components:
heroes : Hero[]=[];
this.DataManagerService.getHeroes().subscribe(heroes =>this.heroes=heroes);
But when it comes to documents:
heroDocument : AngularFirestoreDocument<Hero>;
public heroData:Observable<Hero>;
this.heroDocument = this.firestore.doc('Z8NylmZfeUIuQnmaz2cy');
this.heroData = this.heroDocument.valueChanges();
return this.heroesData;
I receive this error message:
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'Hero'. return
this.heroData= this.heroDocument.valueChanges();
The solution was a subscription to the document instance:
this.itemDoc.valueChanges().subscribe(hero=>this.hero = heroData as Hero);