I have a Picker in Xamarin and I want to pass the selected item in Picker to the another page(TablePage). Below this Picker there is a button and whenever it is clicked I want to go to the other page and display the selected value in the pther page.
<Picker x:Name="SelectTablePicker" Title="Select table" TextColor="#676FA3" TitleColor="#676FA3" FontSize="Title" ItemsSource="{Binding TablesFromViewModelCollector}" ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding Name}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTable}" />
<Button x:Name="SelectTableButton" Text="Select Table" HorizontalOptions="Center" Style="{DynamicResource TitleStyle}" Clicked="Selected_Button" />
So how I am trying to pass this value is with click event:
async void Selected_Button(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var SelectTablePicker = (Picker)sender;
int selectedIndex = SelectTablePicker.SelectedIndex;
if (selectedIndex != -1)
await Navigation.PushAsync(new TablePage((string)SelectTablePicker.ItemsSource[selectedIndex]));
And on the Table Page, I created Label where I want to show the selected item:
<Label x:Name="MyLabel" Text="#" HorizontalOptions="Fill" Grid.Column="0" BackgroundColor="#FF5959" TextColor="#EEF2FF" HorizontalTextAlignment="Left" Padding="0, 0, 0, 10" VerticalTextAlignment="Center"/>
And here its controller:
public TablePage(string tableName)
MyLabel.Text = $"{UserName}";
But whenever I click the button I am getting an error and I couldnt figure out why.
this is a button click event, so the sender
is a Button
, not a Picker
var SelectTablePicker = (Picker)sender;
int selectedIndex = SelectTablePicker.SelectedIndex;
instead just do this
// SelectTablePicker is the name of your picker
int selectedIndex = SelectTablePicker.SelectedIndex;
and even better, you are already binding SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTable}"
so you could just get the value of SelectedTable
directly from your VM
finally, you want to cast the selected item as a Table
, not a string
new TablePage((Table)SelectTablePicker.ItemsSource[selectedIndex])