Hi I looking for solutions that let me create table from csv files. I find solution on another forum. This code looks like this:
import csv
import psycopg2
import os
import glob
conn = psycopg2.connect("host= localhost port=5433 dbname=testDB user= postgres password= ************")
print("Connecting to Database")
cur = conn.cursor()
csvPath = "W:\Maciej.Olech\structure_files"
# Loop through each CSV
for filename in glob.glob(csvPath+"*.csv"):
# Create a table name
tablename = filename.replace("W:\Maciej.Olech\structure_files", "").replace(".csv", "")
# Open file
fileInput = open(filename, "r")
# Extract first line of file
firstLine = fileInput.readline().strip()
# Split columns into an array [...]
columns = firstLine.split(",")
# Build SQL code to drop table if exists and create table
sqlQueryCreate = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+ tablename + ";\n"
sqlQueryCreate += 'CREATE TABLE'+ tablename + "("
#some loop or function according to your requiremennt
# Define columns for table
for column in columns:
sqlQueryCreate += column + " VARCHAR(64),\n"
sqlQueryCreate = sqlQueryCreate[:-2]
sqlQueryCreate += ");"
I try to run this code but i get this error:
C:\Users\MACIEJ~1.OLE\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_5320/1273240169.py in <module>
40 sqlQueryCreate += ");"
---> 42 cur.execute(sqlQueryCreate)
43 conn.commit()
44 cur.close()
NameError: name 'sqlQueryCreate' is not defined
I don't understand why i have this error becouse sqlQueryCreate is defined. Any one have idea what is wrong? Thanks for any help.
There are a few issues with your code.
and conn.commit()
are indented wrong. ditto with sqlQueryCreate = sqlQueryCreate[:-2]
and sqlQueryCreate += ");"
, what you actually had W:\\Jan.Bree\\structure_files*.csv
import csv
import psycopg2
import os
import glob
conn = psycopg2.connect("host= localhost port=5433 dbname=testDB user= postgres password= ************")
print("Connecting to Database")
cur = conn.cursor()
csvPath = "W:\\Jan.Bree\\structure_files"
# Loop through each CSV
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(csvPath,"*.csv")):
# Create a table name
tablename = filename.replace("W:\\Jan.Bree\\structure_files", "").replace(".csv", "")
# Open file
fileInput = open(filename, "r")
# Extract first line of file
firstLine = fileInput.readline().strip()
# Split columns into an array [...]
columns = firstLine.split(",")
# Build SQL code to drop table if exists and create table
sqlQueryCreate = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+ tablename + ";\n"
sqlQueryCreate += 'CREATE TABLE'+ tablename + "("
#some loop or function according to your requiremennt
# Define columns for table
for column in columns:
sqlQueryCreate += column + " VARCHAR(64),\n"
sqlQueryCreate = sqlQueryCreate[:-2]
sqlQueryCreate += ");"
This should cover the issues; but I have no way of testing the code as I don't use psycopg2. I'm assuming that the connect() works.