I am coding some kind of primitive CMS just for editing, updating and adding new strings of an app. the strings are all stored in a database and each of them have a special key (representing the folderstructure of the project "shared.atoms.copie...") for referencing from the sourcecode to the database. the editing stuff and so on is already coded, but now i need to provide the user some kind of navigation and the possibility to see a preview of the page, which is being edited, by clicking (for example) a node of the navigation
for that i want to build a treeview of the already from all keys built object which looks like the following:
tree: {
common: {
date: [{
lang: "en",
key: "common.date",
version: 1,
value: "Date"
block: {
lang: "en",
key: "common.block",
version: 3,
value: "Block"
shared: {
atoms: {
copyClipboard: {
copiedToClipboard: [{
lang: "en",
key: "shared.atoms.copyClipboard.copiedToClipboad",
version: 3,
value: "Copied to Clipboard!"
in javascript i got this solution what does give me a tree, when i use {@html htmlTree}
function buildHtmlTree(treeNode) {
let objKeys = Object.keys(treeNode);
if (objKeys.length == 0) {
for (let key of objKeys) {
let currentNode = treeNode[key];
htmlTree += `
<ul class="ml-2 mb-4">
if (Array.isArray(currentNode)) {
// is leaf
for (let currentLanguage of currentNode) {
htmlTree += `
<li class="ml-2">
${currentLanguage.lang}: ${currentLanguage.value}
} else {
// is branch
htmlTree += `</ul>`;
now i am trying to make it the svelte-way, but i'm stuck at this ... i think i just made an infinite-loop.
let svelteTree = Object.keys(tree);
{#each svelteTree as key}
<ul class="ml-2 mb-4">
{#if Array.isArray(svelteTree[key])}
{#each svelteTree[key] as currentLanguageSvelte}
{currentLanguageSvelte.lang}: {currentLanguageSvelte.value}
<svelte:self svelteTree={svelteTree[key]} />
If the values
are not an Array
nor an Object
, you can just output it without calling svelte:self
{#each Object.entries(data) as [key, values]}
<ul class="ml-2 mb-4">
{#if Array.isArray(values)}
{#each values as item}
<svelte:self data={item} />
{:else if (typeof values === 'object')}
<svelte:self data={values} />