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Database to check whether a path/ url is present

I have an application where it can have multiple thousands of urls. Let's assume the url paths are of the form,

  • /app/v1/test1
  • /app/v2/test2

I want to store these paths in a datastructure, so that when a request comes for a path which doesn't exist, then I want to catch this early and return 404 Not Found. There are 2 approaches that I could think of,

  1. Store in a hashset and check whether a particular string exists.
  2. Store in a Database, since I don't want to clog the memory as there could be millions of these urls.

With approach 2, I am thinking whether I can use simple RDBMS like Postgres or Mysql (Since already I have experience with them) or to a NoSql DB like Redis (not sure though)

With RDBMS, I see a problem if I put index on the column which stores the path since re-indexing will take time when I try to insert into a table which is already large. Wanted to know others thoughts like whether NoSql DB like Redis will suffice here or any other suggestions which will better suite my case here.


  • The disadvantage with approach 1 would be that you'd have to maintain a copy of that hashset in memory in each instance of your server process.

    For approach 2 you could use Redis as a sort of shared memory and store the URLs in a Redis set which has O(1) insertion and O(1) membership check time complexity. You'd use the [SADD][1] and [SISMEMBER][2] commands.

    Let's add some URLs to a Redis Set (adding to a set that doesn't exist creates it for you):

    $ redis-cli> sadd application_urls /app/something /app/somethingelse /api/v1/hello
    (integer) 3

    Now, let's check if a URL exists or should be a 404:> sismember application_urls /app/something
    (integer) 1> sismember application_urls /app/whoops
    (integer) 0

    We can also use the SMISMEMBER command to check multiple URLs in a single network round trip to Redis:> smismember application_urls /app/something /app/whoops
    1) (integer) 1
    2) (integer) 0

    A reply of 1 means the URL exists, 0 means it doesn't and should be a 404.

    This approach will be 100% accurate at the cost of taking up the memory associated with storing all of the URLs in Redis (Redis stores a copy of the entire dataset in RAM for speed). If the size of your dataset becomes a problem here, you could consider using the [RedisBloom module][3] to replace the set with a Bloom filter... instead of storing the actual data, the Bloom filter will trade off accuracy for space and store a hash of the data, meaning that when you check for membership you'll sometimes get a false positive.
