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Execute multiline query with Kubectl + exec + PSQL

I'm trying to run a query with Kubectl , as follows:

kubectl -n employeesns exec -ti employeedpoddb-0 -- psql -d db_people -U postgres 
-c 'create extension if not exists dblink;' 
-c 'SELECT dbemployees."empId" , dbemployees."createdAt" , dbemployees."updatedAt"
from "users" as "dbemployees"
WHERE dbemployees."empId" not in (
    SELECT "empId"
    FROM   dblink('dbname=peopledb','SELECT "empId"  FROM employees')
    AS     dbpeople("empId" varchar)

However I get

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "SELECT"
LINE 1: ...SELECT "empId" FROM   dblink(dbname=peopledb,SELECT
command terminated with exit code 1

How can we execute multiline SQL query with Kubectl ?


  • It's because your inner ' is not escaped; you'll see the same thing locally

    $ echo 'hello 'world' from shell'

    you just need to escape those inner quotes, or change the outer to " and then escape those usages, based on your needs

    -c 'SELECT dbemployees."empId" , dbemployees."createdAt" , dbemployees."updatedAt"
    from "users" as "dbemployees"
    WHERE dbemployees."empId" not in (
        SELECT "empId"
        FROM   dblink('\''dbname=peopledb'\'','\''SELECT "empId"  FROM employees'\'')
        AS     dbpeople("empId" varchar)