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How to visualize two (or more) subnetworks in Netlogo using circle layout

I would like to know if it could be possible to visualize two distinct subnetworks (e.g., made up by turtles white and another one made up by turtles orange) with some links between them. Visually, they should look like two networks having layout circle (layout-circle), for instance. Currently I can visualize only one network made up by turtles orange and white (to give you an idea:

Any help would be great. Thanks.

An example of what I am trying to do is shown below.

to WS [N k p] 
  create-types1 N [
    set color white
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

  create-types2 N [
    set color orange
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

  layout-circle sort types1 max-pycor * 0.9

  let lis (n-values (k / 2) [ [i] -> i + 1 ])
  ask types1 [
    let w who
    foreach lis [ [i] -> create-link-with (type1 ((w + i) mod N)) ]
  rewire p


to rewire [p] 
  ask links [
    let rewired? false
    if (random-float 1) < p
      let node1 end1
      if [ count link-neighbors ] of node1 < (count types1 - 1)
        let node2 one-of types1 with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
        ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set rewired? true ] ]
    if (rewired?)

The code above should create a small world network where there are two types of breeds: type1 and type2, distinguished by the color. Instead of visualizing the types within the same network, I would like to create one small world network for type1 and another one for type2. These two networks would be linked by a few links that there might exist between the two types.


  • Are you looking for something along these lines? I create both circles independently and then move them to their desired position, as well as creating the links separately for both types.

    breed [types1 type1]
    breed [types2 type2]
    to WS [N k p] 
      create-types1 N [
        set color white
      create-types2 N [
        set color orange
      layout-circle sort types1 max-pycor * 0.5
      ask types1 [setxy xcor - 5.5 ycor]
      layout-circle sort types2 max-pycor * 0.5
      ask types2 [setxy xcor + 5.5 ycor]
      let lis (n-values (k / 2) [ [i] -> i + 1 ])
      ask types1 [
        let w who
        foreach lis [ [i] -> create-link-with (type1 ((w + i) mod N)) ]
      ;let links1 link-set [my-links] of types1
      ask types2 [
        let w who
        foreach lis [ [i] -> create-link-with (type2 ((w + i) mod N + N)) ]
      ;let links2 link-set [my-links] of types2