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How to manually change job specs of a dataset?

Noticed a new artefact in the Foundry system: Dataset View, and after some testing noticed it can be changed to a regular dataset by deleting its job spec and refering to it as an output in a transformation. The jobspec is then rebuilt during the build and a Dataset View becomes a regular Dataset updated via a repository.

Trying to see if there is a way to reverse the course of actions (i.e. go from Dataset to a Dataset View), tried to manually edit its job spec refering to a fresh Dataset View (i.e. create a new Dataset View and use its job spec as a template, changing the input/output RIDs). There is an Edit button in the Job spec section in Dataset Details, and I can edit the job spec, however saving it produces an error message Failed to save job spec (in Foundry), and an HTTP 403 - Forbidden response (in browser console). Tried to use Foundry API (both older putJobSpecs and newer putJobSpecs2), however both returned the same HTTP 403 error.

Clearly, the functionality is there (there is an edit button and I can edit the job spec in the Dataset Details), but it is not fully functional (to me, since I can't save the changes). So, is there a way to edit job specs manually? If so, what are the current requirements to perform such an action?


  • Job Specs are not editable by users (only services have permissions using putJobSpecs or putJobSpecs2 endpoints). That button should be removed, it's probably a relic of the past or was used for debugging.

    Converting a Dataset to a View is not supported at the moment