On Appium Studio, registering a paid IOS developer account returns the error message below. I am registering with an Apple ID that has a paid Apple developer account and I am using an App Specific Password when registering. I have tried this on 3 different machines, 2 in the UK and 1 in USA.
Failed to add developer account with appleid: apple@XXXXXXXX.com and teamid: XXXXXXXXX reason: Bad response from server.
200: OK
Server says: Authentication Error. Xcode 7.3 or later required to continue developing with your Apple ID. (3019)
Please make sure you are not using a free account, as it is not supported.
I have uploaded a copy of the Appium Studio log files to the following gist:
The first error mentioned in the logs that is not in the dialog box error message is "ERROR Initial CSR failed xign.client.execption.AppleServiceException: Bad response from server."
A new version of the Appium Studio app has been released that addresses this issue and allows us to register the IOS developer account and to connect new iPhones.
The solution to this issue is to use the latest version of the Appium Studio app.