How can I use a Vue 3 plugin in Storybook stories?
For example, I use FormKit to create form elements in my components.
FormKit is rigged globally in my main.ts like so:
import { plugin, defaultConfig } from '@formkit/vue'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(plugin, defaultConfig)
but this file isn't used by Storybook... so how can I do the same for Storybook?
I was able to find documentation here:
I learned that you are able to access the app created by Storybook in .storybook/preview.js
by importing it from @storybook/vue3.
Example is copied from above link:
// .storybook/preview.js
import { app } from '@storybook/vue3';
app.component('my-component', MyComponent);
/* My mixin */