We have upgraded our application to rails 7, and we are now having issues with the attr_encrypted gem. When we try start a rails server/console we get the following error:
gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/attr_encrypted-3.1.0/lib/attr_encrypted.rb:176:in `block in attr_encrypted': undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
If we revert back to rails 6 the error disappears, has anyone experienced the same issue?
So I have finally figured out what's going on.
Rails 7.0 has it's own encryption, both the attr_encrypted gem and rails 7 refer to the variable encrypted_attributes
and the rails 7 variable takes precedence making the gem useless. There is a PR on the attr_encrypted gem to fix this but the gem has not been updated in years and I doubt it will be now.
GoRails published a tutorial on how to migrate your data from using attr_encrypted to using the rails 7 encryption. I did not want to pay for it so I checked out the git repo for the tutorial.
What they did is they decrypted the data themselves in a migration and updated the new encrypted fields manually.
Here is the link to their migration. https://github.com/gorails-screencasts/migrate-attr_encrypted-to-rails-7-encryption/blob/master/db/migrate/20211005214633_migrate_encrypted_attributes.rb