Do BotFramework is supported for. Netframework 4.7.2. or is it only supported for .Net Core. ?
Do BotFramework is supported for. Netframework 4.7.2. or is it only supported for .Net Core?
Since Visual Studio 2019 has been released by default it generates the bot template for bot SDK V4 using core 2.1 and 3.1. But V3 on .Net 4.6.1 or later will still be supported. New features development will be continue on SDK V4 core 2.1 and 3.1.
Support and Deprecation Notice
You could have a look here for more details.
What Microsoft Recommend
Note: Microsoft recommend migrating to .NET Core, since the performance is very much improved.
What Bot Developer Should Consider
As you know while you would develop bot application you might be needed to integrate other eco-system like adaptive card, hero card and so on to make your bot conversation more interactive. So when you would be using older than core 2.1 and 3.1 you might need to struggle with them.
Moreover, most of the recent release v4.14 has been developed based on core 2.1. and 3.1. In addition bot samples for customer on Microsoft Official GitHub are developed mostly on core 2.1 and 3.1. As you can have look on official document.