I am trying to setup a google chat app that sends information to my server, however I am running into a problem where the request fails with a 464 error only when using Google Apps script. Running the request in a browser using axios or fetch, or using my own client, or using postman, this same request works 100% of the time without fail. But as soon as I make this request from google apps script it results in a 464 and I cannot figure out why.
The code itself is quite simple here it is in google script:
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://dev-core.kalosflorida.com/v1/trelloslackbot',
method: "GET",
followRedirects: true,
muteHttpExceptions: true
and in standard javascript
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
I can see no difference between the two examples but the google script version always fails with a 464 error at my load balancer.
The error is explained in Amazon's troubleshooting guide:
HTTP 464 The load balancer received an incoming request protocol that is incompatible with the version config of the target group protocol.
Possible causes:
- The request protocol is an HTTP/1.1, while the target group protocol version is a gRPC or HTTP/2.
- The request protocol is a gRPC, while the target group protocol version is an HTTP/1.1.
- The request protocol is an HTTP/2 and the request is not POST, while target group protocol version is a gRPC.
In your case, the issue appears to be the first one. Your load balancer's target group protocol is HTTP/2
, while Apps Script sends an HTTP/1.1
You can test this with the HTTP2.Pro API:
function test() {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://http2.pro/api/v1')
This API returns the protocol used as a JSON string. In Apps Script the response is something like this:
"user_agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (compatible; Google-Apps-Script; beanserver; +https:\/\/script.google.com; id: [...])"
Meanwhile accessing the endpoint in the browser with Javascript or just entering the URL will return the following:
"user_agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/100.0.4896.127 Safari\/537.36"
As you can see, Google's Apps Script server sends an HTTP/1.1
request while your browser will use HTTP/2
. I went over the UrlFetchApp
documentation and it doesn't look like there's a way to change the protocol used by Apps Script so you may have to configure your load balancer's target groups to use HTTP/1.1
instead. Amazon has some relevant documentation here.