I'm trying to write some code against libnotify, but the documentation for perl with libnotify is seriously lacking. So is there something that, as of 2011-08-26, is "better" than libnotify? All I need is to send a notification to the currently logged in user on a Linux machine (Ubuntu specifically).
does seem to lack good documentation, but you can browse through some examples at http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FLORA/Gtk2-Notify-0.05/examples/ including the basic one:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2::Notify -init, 'Basic';
my $n = Gtk2::Notify->new('Summary', 'This is some sample content');
In fact this seems pretty cool, I may use it for something soon! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
On Linux you can use zenity
to send a popup message, and to send it to another user's screen you have to play with some environment variables but it can be done. From Perl I would set the appropriate %ENV
values and then just execute system
or backtick (``) calls to zenity
Perhaps start here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/spice-up-your-unix-linux-shell-scripts.html
Also from within that link, perhaps libnotify-bin
would also work, depending on the message you are sending.
perl -E '$ENV{DISPLAY} = ":0.0";`notify-send "Hello World"`;'