@app.route('/signup', methods=['POST'])
def signup():
info = request.args
if info["password"] == info["password2"] and info["name"] and info["email"] and info["password"] and info["password2"]:
password = os.getenv("password")
link = 'mongodb+srv://yakov:' + password + '@cluster0.irzzw.mongodb.net/myAuctionDB?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
client = MongoClient(link)
db = client.get_database('myAuctionDB')
users = db.users
'name': info["name"],
'email': info["email"],
'password': info["password"],
'sales': [],
'offers': [],
'saved': []
return jsonify({"status": "ok", "message": " welcome to {} {} ".format(info["name"], info["email"])})
return jsonify({"status": "error", "message": "you are missing some arguments"})
this is my code, it works when i run it locally from my computer.
i saved it on a host called pythonanywhere, and the code works, but it does not insert the json to mongoDB, it gives me this error "500 Internal Server Error".
this is the response when i run it locally:
this is the response of the same code when i run it through pythonanywhere:
Using a free acount in pythonanywhere, does not allow to connect to mongodb atlas, so when it runs on pythonanywhere, it does not connect to the database, and does not work