I am trying to fetch documents from CosmosDB and then do a foreach loop on the documents returned, I am doing it as follows
var productListFromHAPI =
await CosmosDb.GetProductDataFromHAPI(brand, deployedCountry,
primaryLocale, secondaryLocale, _rawDataContainer, log);
var finalListOfObjects = new List<StorelensItemModel_V3>();
foreach (var storeVariantToInsert in productListFromHAPI) { processing here }
The problem is that GetProductDataFromHAPI returns millions of documents and the host no matter how large I make is running out of resources.
How can I split this up so that I can fetch and process 1000 documents at the time? I know I can use select top 1000 etc but how do I then know that the second round I am not fetching the same items again?
I tried to use offset and limit as well but I could not get it to work
Pagination does not seem to be a good fit for this use case.
It looks like you are using a wrapper GetProductDataFromHAPI
that is calling the Cosmos SDK underneath.
The Cosmos SDK FeedIterators allow you to paginate, consuming one page of results at a time:
using (FeedIterator<StorelensItemModel_V3> feedIterator = this.Container.GetItemQueryIterator<StorelensItemModel_V3>(
while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<StorelensItemModel_V3> response = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();
// You can yield the response for an upper layer to be consumed and pass the ContinuationToken to use the next time you want to continue the query
As a side note, keep in mind the performance tips when constructing and executing queries: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql/performance-tips-query-sdk?tabs=v3&pivots=programming-language-csharp