Search code examples

Display only one attribute of arrayed objects in md-autocomplete :md-options

I'm still new to using Vuejs. I installed vue material and I am currently trying the md-autocomplete component.

the data in my script looks something like this:

selectedFruit: null,
fruits: [ 
          {name: "Orange", available: 
           "5", price: "$11.0" },
          {name: "Apple", available: 
           "17", price: "$4.56" },
          {name: "Kiwi", available: 
           "1", price: "$25.30" }

what i wanted to do:

  • in the :md-options in <md-autocomplete>, i want to display only the name of each fruit

  • on a separate readonly md-input, i want to display only the price of the selected fruit from the autocomplete form; and the available amount on another readonly md-input.

I do not want to use md-select because I want it to act like a search bar

Is there a work-around for this?


  • You can try this :

          <label>Select fruit</label>
          <label>Price :</label>
          <md-input v-model="selectedFruitPrice" readonly></md-input>
          <label>Available Amount :</label>
          <md-input v-model="selectedFruitAmount" readonly></md-input>
    export default {
      name: "autocomplete",
      data: () => ({
        selectedFruit: null,
        fruits: [
          { name: "Orange", available: "5", price: "$11.0" },
          { name: "Apple", available: "17", price: "$4.56" },
          { name: "Kiwi", available: "1", price: "$25.30" },
        fruitOptions: [],
        selectedFruitPrice: "",
        selectedFruitAmount: "",
      methods: {
        getFruitOptions(searchTerm) {
          console.log("getCustomers", searchTerm);
          this.fruitOptions = new Promise((resolve) => {
            if (!searchTerm) {
              resolve( =>;
            } else {
              const term = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
              this.fruitOptions = this.fruits
                .filter(({ name }) => {
                  return name.toLowerCase().includes(term);
                .map((x) =>;
        getSelected() {
          const selectedFruitDetails = this.fruits.find(
            (obj) => === this.selectedFruit
          this.selectedFruitPrice = selectedFruitDetails.price;
          this.selectedFruitAmount = selectedFruitDetails.available;

    Working Demo : codesandbox