macOS 12 sets the TextField as first responder on launch for a few seconds before this changes.
Tried calling the methods below onAppear, didFinishLaunching, willFinishLaunching, init() of the main app
There is a brief delay of a few seconds before the app automatically removes focus.
How to prevent this behaviour ? I have some animations which are triggered when the TextField is focused.
I'm using
enum Focus { case some, none }
@FocusState var focus : Focus
I've observed that on launch focus is set to some and then to nil
This really looks like a bug (file a feedback to Apple if you want).
A found workaround is to disable temporary control on launch (disabled TextField
cannot get focus) and reenable it in next event cycle.
Tested with Xcode 13.3 / macOS 12.2
Here is main part:
TextField("", text: $txt)
.disabled(disabled) // << here !!
.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async { disabled = false } // << here !!