I'm trying to match values from a column in a dataframe using values from a different column within the tolerance value. I have 2 dataframes:
Dp y_escape_ave(m)
0 [Series 1 at injection 12 1] -0.015850
1 [Series 2 at injection 03 1] -0.037345
2 [Series 1 at injection 06 1] -0.037497
3 [Series 4 at injection 18 1] -0.012622
4 [Series 5 at injection 21 1] NaN
5 [Series 6 at injection 24 1] -0.008801
6 [Series 7 at injection 27 1] -0.008711
v(m/s) y(m)
0 0.000001 -0.007100
1 0.000001 -0.007131
2 0.000001 -0.007161
3 0.000001 -0.007192
4 60.012138 -0.007223
.. ... ...
917 26.700808 -0.037577
918 26.764549 -0.037608
919 26.833567 -0.037639
920 26.889654 -0.037669
921 26.371773 -0.037700
I'm trying to match the y_escape_ave values from the first dataframe approximately (within some tolerance - y_tol) to the values y(m) column of the second dataframe and then add the corresponding value from the v(m/s) column to the y_escape_ave(m) value. My thinking was to do something similar to Excels INDEX(MATCH;;-1) method but I cannot get it to work.
My code so far is:
vel_escape = []
vel_escape_temp = [[] for j in range(0,len(df_results.index)-1)]
for i in range(0, len(df_results.index)-1):
for ii in range(0, len(df_vel_filt.index)-1):
if df_results["y_escape_ave(m)"][i] == "":
if abs(abs(df_results["y_escape_ave(m)"][i]) - abs(df_vel_filt["y(m)"][ii])) < y_tol:
if len(vel_escape_temp[i]) <= 1:
Is there perhaps an easier way?
You can try pandas.merge_asof
y_tol = None
df1['v(m/s)'] = pd.merge_asof(df1.sort_values('y_escape_ave(m)').fillna(0), df2.sort_values('y(m)'),
left_on='y_escape_ave(m)', right_on='y(m)', tolerance=y_tol)['v(m/s)']
Dp y_escape_ave(m) v(m/s)
0 [Series 1 at injection 12 1] -0.015850 26.700808
1 [Series 2 at injection 03 1] -0.037345 26.700808
2 [Series 1 at injection 06 1] -0.037497 26.700808
3 [Series 4 at injection 18 1] -0.012622 26.700808
4 [Series 5 at injection 21 1] NaN 26.700808
5 [Series 6 at injection 24 1] -0.008801 26.700808
6 [Series 7 at injection 27 1] -0.008711 0.000001