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Mongo Java: Set values and push to array with previous values in one command

I want to push the previous state (if the values changed) during an upsert into an array history (atomar) but no matter what I try, I can't find a clean solution.

Below you find simplified attempts:

Attempt 1: Use $set and $concatArrays

final var timestamp = Document.parse(String.format("{$set: {timestamp: %d}}", time));
final var pointCount = Document.parse("{$set: {" +
            "data_point_count: {$ifNull: [{$add: [\"$data_point_count\", 1]}, 1]}   }}");

final var history = Document.parse(String.format("{$set: {" +
   "history: {$cond: {" +
      "if: {$eq: [\"$timestamp\", %d]}," +
      "then: \"$history\"," +               // no changes, keep untouched
      "else: {$concatArrays: [" +
         "{$ifNull: [\"$history\", []]}," + // without, history stays null

         // Bug: this adds an empty object on 1st upsert (insert)
         "[{timestamp: \"$timestamp\", data_point_count: \"$data_point_count\"}]" +
      "]}" +
   "}}" +
"}}", time));

final var update = Arrays.asList(setHistory, timestampUpdate, meanNinetyPercentileUpdateCommand, setDataPointCount);
// If I don't use Arrays.asList() commands like `$ifNull` are written into the database
//final var update = Updates.combine(setDataPointCount, setHistory); does not interpret the commands

final var options = new UpdateOptions().upsert(true);
targetCollection.updateOne(filter, update, options);


  • when the upsert is executed the first time (i.e. insert), an empty object is added to history: [{}]
  • on subsequent updates, everything works: [{}, {12345, 2}, {23456, 3}]

Attempt 2: Use $set and $push

final var update = new Document();

final var set = new Document();
set.put("timestamp", time);
set.put("data_point_count", Document.parse("{$ifNull: [{$add: [\"$data_point_count\", 1]}, 1]}"));
update.put("$set", set);

update.put("$push", Document.parse("{history: {timestamp: \"$timestamp\", data_point_count: \"$data_point_count\"}}}"));

final var options = new UpdateOptions().upsert(true);
targetCollection.updateOne(filter, update, options);


  • Does not interpret commands like \"$timestamp\" and $ifNull and just writes e.g. $ifNull into the database.
  • I cannot use Arrays.asList() or else I get the error: Unrecognized pipeline stage name: '$push', but without the Arrays.asList the commands are not executed but just written to the database, e.g. data_point_count: {$ifNull: ...}

Question: How can I use one upsert command which:

  • creates history: [] or history: null or just no history field during insert
  • when the timestamp changes in the update add the state before the update object to the history array without any empty objects (see attempt 1).

Update (suggestion from @Gibbs):

If I understood your suggestion correctly, it also adds an empty object when the upsert is executed the first time: [{}, {12345, 2}, {23456, 3}]

final var setHistory = Document.parse(String.format("{"+
    "$set: {"+
        "history: {"+
            "$cond: ["+
                // <Array condition goes here>
                    "$eq: [\"$timestamp\", %d]"+ // with eq => insert also adds an empty object
                    //"$ne: [\"$timestamp\", %d]"+ // Error: "input to $map must be an array not string"
                //True part (timestamp not changed: keep history)
                    "$map: {"+
                        "input: \"history\","+
                        "in: {"+
                            "$mergeObjects: ["+
                                    "timestamp: \"$timestamp\"," +
                                    "mean_ninety_percentile: \"$mean_ninety_percentile\""+
                //False part (timestamp changed: add state to history)
                    "$concatArrays: [" +
                        "{ $ifNull: [\"$history\", []] }," +
                        "[" +
                                "timestamp: \"$timestamp\"," +
                                "mean_ninety_percentile: \"$mean_ninety_percentile\""+
                        "]" +
"}", time));

For clarification, the goal is the following state after the 2nd upsert (i.e. 1 insert and 1 update):

collection = [
     timestamp: 23456,
     data_point_count: 2,
     history: [
        {timestamp: 12345, data_point_count: 1}


  • You can achieve the same using aggregate update. But it is supported from mongo 4.2+.

    $set: {
      timestamp: 12345,
      mean_ninety_percentile: 0.111,
      history: {
        $cond: [
          // <Array condition goes here>
            $eq: [
          // True part (timestamp not changed: keep history)
          // False part (timestamp changed: add state to history)
            $concatArrays: [
                $ifNull: [
                // add current state to history
                  timestamp: "$timestamp",
                  mean_ninety_percentile: "$mean_ninety_percentile"
      upsert: true