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Is there the way how to transform this kind of code into cycle for n-dimension?

I have this code for n = 4

b_11 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[1] - wi[1] + 1); b_11
b_12 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[1] - wi[2] + 1); b_12
b_13 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[1] - wi[3] + 1); b_13
b_14 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[1] - wi[4] + 1); b_14

b_21 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[2] - wi[1] + 1); b_21
b_22 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[2] - wi[2] + 1); b_22
b_23 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[2] - wi[3] + 1); b_23
b_24 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[2] - wi[4] + 1); b_24

b_31 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[3] - wi[1] + 1); b_31
b_32 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[3] - wi[2] + 1); b_32
b_33 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[3] - wi[3] + 1); b_33
b_34 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[3] - wi[4] + 1); b_34

b_41 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[4] - wi[1] + 1); b_41
b_42 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[4] - wi[2] + 1); b_42
b_43 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[4] - wi[3] + 1); b_43
b_44 <- (1 / 2) * (wi[4] - wi[4] + 1); b_44

trB <- c(b_11, b_12, b_13, b_14,
         b_21, b_22, b_23, b_24,
         b_31, b_32, b_33, b_34,
         b_41, b_42, b_43, b_44)

Is there any way how to simplify (or make cycle) it for other cases, where n could be bigger than 4? (wi[i] is a vector).

Formulas in case this helps:



  • This can be vectorised as:

    wi <- runif(4)  #or whatever   
    0.5* (outer(wi,wi,"-")+1)

    to produce a matrix. Now the code is independent of the length of wi. If you prefer the vector that you currently have, the output could be reshaped with:

    c(t(0.5* (outer(wi,wi,"-")+1)))