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C# - Console App - How To Read CLI option arguments

Using the System.CommandLine v.2.0.0-beta3.22114.1 and System.CommandLine.NamingConventionBinder v.2.0.0-beta3.22114.1, I'm attempting to create a simple get command with a --name option.

The option is required. It expects an argument, and it will use it in the Console.WriteLine statement.

For the sake of organization, I am creating the commands in separate class files and inherit the Command class.

public class GetCommand : Command
    public GetCommand()
        :base("get", "Filters events by name.")
        var name = new Option("--name", "The name of the event you like to fetch.")
            IsRequired = true,

        Handler = CommandHandler.Create((string name) => Console.WriteLine(name));


While running the app, when I run the executable with the get --name ali command, option, and argument, I keep getting the following exception: Unrecognized command or argument 'ali'.

What am I doing wrong?


  • For options that take an argument, you should use the generic Option<T>. Use the type of the argument as the type parameter:

    new Option<string>(
        name: "--name", 
        description: "The name of the event you like to fetch."
    ) {
        IsRequired = true