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Jenkins ERROR: script returned exit code 4

I got a simple Groovy script to install agents on my servers using Ansible.
After I run the pipeline I get error about

ERROR: script returned exit code 4 Finished: FAILURE

The error happens because I have two instances not running (I don't want them running) and I get connection time out from them.
Is there a way to get Jenkins to ignore such errors?

The pipeline error


  • A not-so-ideal solution would be to just state ignore_unreachable: yes at the top of you playbook.

    This is no ideal because you risk missing on unreachable hosts you do care about.

    A possibly better solution would be to gracefully end those unreachable hosts in a meta task based on a list of host(s) you don't need up and running.

    For example:

    - hosts: localhost, ok-if-down
      gather_facts: no
        - ping:
          ignore_unreachable: yes
          register: ping
        - meta: end_host
            - inventory_hostname in _possibly_unreachable_hosts
            - ping is unreachable
              - ok-if-down
              ## add more host(s) name in this list, here
        ## here goes your current tasks

    When run, the exit code of this playbook would be 0:

    $ ansible-playbook play.yml; echo "Return code is $?"
    PLAY [localhost, ok-if-down] **************************************************
    TASK [ping] *******************************************************************
    fatal: [ok-if-down]: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false 
      msg: 'Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ok-if-down: Name does not resolve'
      skip_reason: Host ok-if-down is unreachable
      unreachable: true
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [meta] *******************************************************************
    skipping: [localhost]
    TASK [meta] *******************************************************************
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    ok-if-down                 : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    Return code is 0