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How to recreate deleted diagnostic directory for grid user (oradiag_grid)

I deleted a diagnostic folder named "oradiag_grid" which was automatically created when the "grid" user was created (for Oracle Grid Infrastructure user). Below is the command used in creating the grid user account:

/usr/sbin/useradd -u 54331 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba,racdba grid

Below is the path of the directory that was deleted:


Here are the what it contains: .../oradiag_grid/diag/asmtool/user_grid/host__110

Uderneath /host__110, you get the following directories:

alert, cdump, incident, incpkg, lck, log, metadata, metadata_dgif, metadata_pv, stage, sweep, trace

I've searched but can't find an answer; is there a command to recreate this directories with it's sub-directories? I can't simply recreate it as the host_ten digit number_110 is system generated.


  • Grid Control should create the directory structure automatically when needed. So as long as /home/grid is writable by root and grid users, the directory should be created.