I found following thread at : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/133299031#comment14
Hello, In-app update priority of the release can be set using the Play Developer Publishing API's Edits methods. There is a new 'inAppUpdatePriority' field under Edits.tracks.releases. The documentation does not mention the new field yet but you should still be able to set it. In-app update priority can not be set from the Google Play Console at the moment.
I am using google-api-php-client with Service Account authentication, I would like to ask how to set 'inAppUpdatePriority' using google-api-php-client I have tried following in my PHP code.
$publisher->edits_tracks->update(self::PACKAGE_NAME, self::EDIT_ID, 'production', new \Google_Service_AndroidPublisher_Track);
After hours of testing with Google API PHP Client, I managed to edit the inAppUpdatePriority
field, with Laravel, this way:
try {
$packageName = "your.package.name";
$versionCode = "version_code_as_string"; //example "50"
$client = new \Google\Client();
//you need to setup your own Service Account or other API access methods
$service = new \Google\Service\AndroidPublisher($client);
//create new edit
$appEdit = $service->edits->insert($packageName, new \Google\Service\AndroidPublisher\AppEdit());
//uncomment if you want to get hold of available tracks
// $tracksResponse = $service->edits_tracks->listEditsTracks($packageName, $appEdit->id);
// dd($tracksResponse);
$trackRelease = new \Google\Service\AndroidPublisher\TrackRelease();
$trackRelease->versionCodes = [$versionCode];
//set desired update priority
$trackRelease->inAppUpdatePriority = 5;
$trackRelease->status = "completed";
$postBody = new \Google\Service\AndroidPublisher\Track();
//desired track to update. One of the followings: production,beta,alpha,internal
$track = "production";
$update = $service->edits_tracks->update($packageName, $appEdit->id, $track, $postBody);
//commit changes to Google Play API
$service->edits->commit($packageName, $appEdit->id);
// dd($update);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
if ($ex->getCode() == 404) {
//this catches if some info is wrong (tested with a version code that has not been upload to Google Play Console)
won't be applied if your release is already rolled out.