I made an RShiny app with a leaflet map that has markers. The marker icons work just fine in Safari and Firefox, but in Chrome they do not render and instead a different icon is displayed.
The app is the Interactive GSSP App. It is being hosted on shinyapps.io at: https://lotkey.shinyapps.io/interactive_gssp_app/
Here is the source code: https://github.com/lotkey/DTKB-Apps
The part where the icon is made is in appServer.R at line 43.
# Make "custom" icon with golden spike image
gsspIcon <- makeIcon(
iconUrl = "http://www2.cs.uidaho.edu/~max/image/gssp.png",
iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 32,
iconAnchorX = 10, iconAnchorY = 32
The image link is still working for me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
Still not sure what the issue exactly is, but instead of using an image URL I downloaded the image and included it in the app.
# Make "custom" icon with golden spike image
gsspIcon <- makeIcon(
iconUrl = "./gssp.png", # Path to local image
iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 32,
iconAnchorX = 10, iconAnchorY = 32