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Shinyapp Leaflet map doesn't display markers correctly in Chrome

I made an RShiny app with a leaflet map that has markers. The marker icons work just fine in Safari and Firefox, but in Chrome they do not render and instead a different icon is displayed.

The app is the Interactive GSSP App. It is being hosted on at:
Here is the source code:

The part where the icon is made is in appServer.R at line 43.

# Make "custom" icon with golden spike image
gsspIcon <- makeIcon(
  iconUrl = "",
  iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 32,
  iconAnchorX = 10, iconAnchorY = 32  

The image link is still working for me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

Markers not displaying properly in Chrome


  • Still not sure what the issue exactly is, but instead of using an image URL I downloaded the image and included it in the app.

    # Make "custom" icon with golden spike image
    gsspIcon <- makeIcon(
      iconUrl = "./gssp.png", # Path to local image
      iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 32,
      iconAnchorX = 10, iconAnchorY = 32  