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SQLITE Summary by Sequence

I have a table where name, start time and duration.
I need a query that will give me the last 5 names, start time and duration. When if there is a sequence of several names - should get the beginning of the sequence, and its overall continuation.
If there are several sequences of the same name - should only get the last one.

for example:

name start_time duration
a 79431 70
a 79420 11
a 79415 5
b 79413 1
c 79300 112
c 79298 2
b 79296 2
c 79288 6
c 79284 3
c 79278 347
d 78400 200
d 77764 636
e 77759 4
d 77741 17
f 77700 7
a 77642 10

Should be:

name seq start_time seq duration seq
a 79415 86
b 79413 1
c 79298 114
d 77764 836
e 77759 4

Would appreciate help! Thank you


  • You need to definir when we start a new sequence with the same name.
    I have 2 queries, one takes all occurences of a name as one sequence. The other keeps them together if they follow in the table.

    create table table_name(
    name varchar(10),
    start_time int,
    duration int);
    insert into table_name values
      min(start_time) beginning,
      sum(duration) duration
    from table_name t
    (select distinct name
    from table_name
    order by start_time desc
    limit 5) n
    on =
    group by;
    name | beginning | duration
    :--- | --------: | -------:
    a    |     77642 |       96
    b    |     79296 |        3
    c    |     79278 |      470
    d    |     77741 |      853
    e    |     77759 |        4
    min(start_time) beginning,
    sum(duration) duration
      row_number() over(order by start_time) rn,
      row_number() over(order by start_time desc)
       - row_number() over(partition by name order by start_time desc) as group_number
    from table_name) t
    group by name,group_number
    order by group_number
    limit 5;
    name | beginning | duration
    :--- | --------: | -------:
    a    |     79415 |       86
    b    |     79413 |        1
    c    |     79298 |      114
    b    |     79296 |        2
    c    |     79278 |      356

    db<>fiddle here