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I want to pass parameters in aws Lambda while invoking from cli

I am trying to invoke lambda from my pipeline using the below command where I need to pass the ami as input variable to lambda.

aws lambda invoke --function-name SuccessLambda --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --payload '{"ami":"ami-1234"}' response.json

my lambda function should read this, please help with the syntax -

import json
import boto3
import os
sns = boto3.client('sns')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ami = $(event.ami)
    message = "The new ami %s is now available" % (ami)
    response = sns.publish(
            TopicArn = "arn:SuccessArtifactsNotificationTopic",
            Message = message,
    return {
      'statusCode': 200,
      'body': json.dumps('Success!')


  • Please find the below solution -

    aws lambda invoke --function-name SuccessArtifactsNotificationLambda --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --payload '{"ami":"ami-1234"}' response.json

    This is how you can call the variable in lambda-

    import json
    import boto3
    import os
    sns = boto3.client('sns')
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        ami = event['ami']
        message = "The new ami %s is now available" % (ami)
        response = sns.publish(
                TopicArn = "arn:SuccessTopic",
                Message = message,
        return {
          'statusCode': 200,
          'body': json.dumps('Success!')