What is the best practice for listening to another bloc’s state changes?
This answer was relevant in previous version, but it doesn’t work in version 8 (.listen
method doesn’t exist anymore on a bloc): https://stackoverflow.com/a/62785980/160919
FilteredTodosBloc({@required this.todosBloc}) {
todosSubscription = todosBloc.listen((state) {
if (state is TodosLoadSuccess) {
add(TodosUpdated((todosBloc.state as TodosLoadSuccess).todos));
What is the recommended approach to listen to a state change from another bloc in flutter_bloc 8?
State stream is now exposed via stream
getter, so you can still use almost the same code:
FilteredTodosBloc({required this.todosBloc}) {
todosSubscription = todosBloc.stream.listen((state) {
if (state is TodosLoadSuccess) {
add(TodosUpdated((todosBloc.state as TodosLoadSuccess).todos));