Search code examples

Content padding parameter it is not used

I recently started working with Jetpack Compose. I've got the following composable:

fun SearchScreen(navController: NavHostController) {
        topBar = { SearchBar() },
        content = {
            Column (
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
            ) {
                // some nested Composables

But with this code as-is, the whole code within content = {...} is being underlined in red saying Jetpack Compose: Content padding parameter it is not used. I already read in this Stackoverflow Post that actually, PaddingValues only are provided in a Scaffold if the bottomBar is set, which obviously is not the case here. So I do not understand why I am getting this error.

Note: The app actually does use a BottomNavigation, but not within the Composable that I showed above. Can it be that this is still somehow propagated here?


  • It's required to use padding parameter, passed into Scaffold content composable. You should apply it to the topmost container/view in content:

    content = { padding ->
            modifier = Modifier
        // ...

    This is done to prevent layout problems, for example, when the scaffold has a bottom bar, without the use of this padding part of your view will be under the bar.

    You can always suppress it with @SuppressLint("UnusedMaterialScaffoldPaddingParameter"), but I would recommend doing this only when you know exactly what you are doing.