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Run Multi lifecycleScope on Fragment

I have a Home Fragment, and inside thatonCreateView fragment, I have 2 function, that will execute lifecycleScope.

The first lifecycleScope will used to get all the list of cashFlow, and the second lifecycleScope will use to get all the total of outcome and income.

Here is the onCreateView

override fun onCreateView(
    inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
    savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
    val content = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false) as ConstraintLayout

    val cashFlowDao = (activity?.applicationContext as CashFlowApp).db.cashFlowDao()
    loadCashFlow(cashFlowDao, content)
    loadTotalTransaction(cashFlowDao, content)
    return content

This is the first lifecycleScope that will used to get all the cashFlow history,

private fun loadCashFlow(cashFlowDao: CashFlowDao, content: View) {
    lifecycleScope.launch {
        cashFlowDao.fetchAllCashFlow().collect {
            val cashFlowList = ArrayList(it)
            setupHistoryCashFlow(cashFlowList, cashFlowDao, content)

This is the second lifecycleScope that will used to get the total of cashFlow,

private fun loadTotalTransaction(cashFlowDao: CashFlowDao, content: View) {
    lifecycleScope.launch {
        val totalIncome: Int = cashFlowDao.calculateIncome(Constant.INCOME)
        val totalOutcome: Int = cashFlowDao.calculateIncome(Constant.OUTCOME)
        Log.e("Total", totalIncome.toString())
        setupTotalTransaction(totalIncome, totalOutcome, content)

When trying to run the application, it will crash with this error message. enter image description here

You can find the repository on this link, and pay attention on HomeFragment and MainActivity


  • I suspect the function calculateIncome() is not suspend, and it is blocking the current thread (Main Thread). Marking calculateIncome() function as suspend in CashFlowDao should solve the problem. It will not block the Main Thread.

    In CashFlowDao class:

    suspend fun calculateIncome(...): Int